Monday, July 22, 2013

Passively Passionate

Passively Passionate. Comes off as an oxymoron, right? Those who are passionate about what they do, whether it be a hobby, career, love, etc. are thought of as ferociously active in how they portray it to the outside world. You'd be hard pressed to find a single person in their life that doesn't have at least a small idea of what they're working on. They exude passion in how they talk about their goals, what they say in person and online, and their overall body language.

I'm not that guy. I do things a bit differently. Don't get me wrong, when I find something I truly care about, which lately has been primarily loved ones and career aspirations, I live and breath that thing. I devote all my time and energy into working on this goal, and I let nothing distract me. However, I do it quietly. I don't speak of my passions unless I am asked. Even then, I do everything I can to prevent myself from hyping it up.

Why do I do this? For one thing, all that time spent talking up a big game about my future accomplishments, would  be better used to make those accomplishments come to fruition. Also, I'm a firm believer in letting your talent speak for itself. Many say that telling a lot of people about your goals means you have to back up the talk, which encourages you to work that much harder. My response to that is, if someone doesn't have enough self motivation to accomplish their goals, they won't last. Simple as that.

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